



10. Installing after building from sources

[provided by Michael Soyka]

After you've built the Vim binaries as described above, you're ready to
install Vim on your system.  However, if you've obtained the Vim sources
using Mercurial or by downloading them as a unix tar file, you must first 
create a "vim73" directory.  If you instead downloaded the sources as
zip files, you can skip this setup as the zip archives already have the
correct directory structure.  

  A.  Create a Vim "runtime" subdirectory named "vim73"
  If you obtained your Vim sources as zip files, you can skip this step.  
  Otherwise, continue reading.

  Go to the directory that contains the Vim "src" and "runtime"
  directories and create a new subdirectory named "vim73".  
  Copy the "runtime" files into "vim73":
     copy runtime\* vim73

  B.  Copy the new binaries into the "vim73" directory
  Regardless of how you installed the Vim sources, you need to copy the
  new binaries you created above into "vim73":

     copy src\*.exe vim73
     copy src\GvimExt\gvimext.dll vim73
     copy src\xxd\xxd.exe vim73

  C.  Move the "vim73" directory into the Vim installation subdirectory
  Move the "vim73" subdirectory into the subdirectory where you want Vim
  to be installed.  Typically, this subdirectory will be named "vim".  
  If you already have a "vim73" subdirectory in "vim", delete it first
  by running its uninstal.exe program.  

  D.  Install Vim
  "cd" to your Vim installation subdirectory "vim\vim73" and run the
  "install.exe" program.  It will ask you a number of questions about
  how you would like to have your Vim setup.  Among these are:
  - You can tell it to write a "_vimrc" file with your preferences in the
    parent directory.
  - It can also install an "Edit with Vim" entry in the Windows Explorer
    popup menu.
  - You can have it create batch files, so that you can run Vim from the
    console or in a shell.  You can select one of the directories in your
    PATH or add the directory to PATH using the Windows Control Panel.  
  - Create entries for Vim on the desktop and in the Start menu.

Happy Vimming!



それでは、Happy Vimming!